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Windows 11

Windows 11 is the newest major release of the Microsoft Windows NT Operating system which was released in 2021. Windows 11 follows Windows 10 which was released almost 6 years ago, and as you know a lot has changed in technology in the last 6 years. In the new version Microsoft updated a handful of features, including improvements to the Taskbar, support for android apps, and updates to the Notepad and Medial Player, along with creating a modern version which has a simple user experience.
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Expand your Cyber Security Knowledge

Did you know that every Monday Andrew Morgan, Ryan Weeks, Gary Pica, and West Spencer host a cyber call ( to expose MSPs to industry exports through a collaborative production. Each week these experts will share their knowledge on specific domains to help elevate your cyber capabilities, grow your knowledge, and elevate your skills to help you grow your business.
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