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White Papers

Guillet: Death of Basic Authentication in Office 365

Community member Jeff Guillet shares insights in what he calls the death of basic authentication in Office 365. He opines about an upcoming milestone (October 13, 2020) when Microsoft will be turning off Basic Authentication in Exchange Online for EWS, Exchange...

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Independent Validation of Fortinet Solutions

IntroductionOrganizations can get overwhelmed by vendor claims and alleged “silver bullets” when evaluating solutions that can reduce the risk of a data breach. An IT security purchase made solely based on vendor claims is likely to lead to regret. In a recent survey...

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Microsoft 365 Business Admin Guide

By Alex Fields, Blogger, Introduction: Microsoft solution server infrastructures 365 designed The Business problem to transition—and is for an small end-to-end and of mid-sized life ultimately productivity, after businesses. replace—traditional “the...

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Office 365 Security and Compliance

IntroductionWhen moving your organization to cloud services, security concerns add another layer of consideration; one of trust. You have to be able to trust your service provider with processing the data that you provide to the service provider through your use of...

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