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Where in the World is Frank?

Esteemed analyst Frank Ohlhorst updates us on recent conferences that he’s covered including NetApp over in London. Listen intently as Ohlhorst educates us on NetApp, an ISV that isn’t commonly thought of in the SMB Nation Managed Services Provider (MSP) membership. Well 900+ people can be wrong. Catch the conversation at mid-point where Ohlhorst gives insights into Brexit being a topic of discussion.

IT Nation 2019 Recap and More!

Contributor Michael Fraser shares insights on the recent IT Nation conference where he was a speaker and had a booth on the floor. His talking points included DevSec Opps and “Everything as a Service” at the conference. Notably Fraser shares the interest from the vendor community was very high in these areas. His Refractr solution was demoed on the big stage with a new ConnectWise tool called Chat Genie. Fraser also offers up thoughts on 2020 moving forward.

Celebrating Rafique’s 21st Article

Celebrating Rafique’s 21st Article

Cloud consultant Hamza Rafique has published his 21st article in his “Office App and Service Office 365” series. The article was interesting to me as he addresses shared mailboxes and resources. The specific angle is the Exchange Admin Center and recipients. Its also...

On the Road –Firewall Relevance

Contributor Larry Doyle has figured out an interesting way to take a summer vacation cycling across Europe yet still staying in touch with the Microsoft 365 Nation! (Full disclosure: his trip is partially sponsored by StorageCraft, a backup vendor) But the real story is Larry’s analysis about the need for a physical v. cloud-based firewall (or both?).

Infrastructure is Not Boring

Contributor Larry Doyle jumps up to the Big Leagues this month with an infrastructure conversation that touches on hyper convergence, etc. It’s about using big tools to put it all into a single pane of glass. And Doyle explains the ease with which you can easily expand capacity with the right infrastructure.