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Cyber Insurance – What you need to know

Unfortunately, data breaches, and cybercrimes are becoming more and more common. In fact last year was a record breaking year for cyberattacks with numbers expected to increase this year. As cyber criminals continue to invent new ways to attack, and companies paying more than they ever have for fines, legal fees, recovery fees, cyber insurance is becoming more an more necessary. Harry Brelsford of SMB Nation sits down with Marvin Bee to discuss the importance of cyber security, and how it has changed over the years.

Malware AbstractEMU

Cyber criminals are becoming more and more crafty every day, with the most recent tactic being to infect mobile devices. Although mobile malware is not currently as prevalent as malware attacks on traditional workstations the threat is growing. Earlier this year researchers discovered a new malware campaign named AbstractEMU which was geared at targeting mobile users through app stores. This malware was developed to obtain permission to silently modify the device, collect data, without any user interactions.

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