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As attacks surge, Cyber Insurance Premiums hit new highs

We are seeing a major shift in cyber insurance as premiums have increased between 30% and 110%. One school district even reported a 334% increase in their cybersecurity policy. As more and more big names are breached or hit with nasty ransomware strains, many are realizing the consequences and financial stresses this can have on their company. Most experts agree its not if your company will get hit its when. As cyber-attacks ramp up threatening data and privacy, cyber insurance companies have had to raise their rates partially due to claim frequency, the severity of claims and the uncertainty of what’s to come.

Zero Trust

With the number of cyber attacks in the last couple years, zero trust is rapidly becoming the cybersecurity model of choice for many organizations. Zero Trust is a approach to cybersecurity that eliminates trust and continuously validates every stage in a digital world. This idea is designed to protect modern environments no matter the network (local, cloud, or hybrid) with resources at any location.

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