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Partnering for Success

With the current economic state it is becoming harder and harder for small business to survive. From labor shortages to supply chain restraints small businesses are facing huge challenges in there day to day operations. As an Independent MSP you are bearing the responsibility not only to overcome these challenges, but also provide industry leading technology, hardware and software, support, cloud technologies, while staying on top of operations, financials and managing the bottom line.
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Importance of Customer Satisfaction

To say customer satisfaction is important to your business is an understatement. Imagine if you came into work, and found out that half your customers left for your competitor. If that does not make you start to sweat just thinking about revenue, acquisition costs, payroll and more I am not sure what will. Sustaining a customer can be hard work, as each customers needs are unique.

Keep It Simple

In a year of what feels like never ending changes, the IAMCP took the motto of KISS in 2021. This many seem simple, however, it does come with challenges to many businesses. As an organization the IAITAM took a step back and looked at their processes, procedures, software, and overall organization. Through the process they focused on streamline and getting rid of the bloat as we’re coming up to our 20th anniversary.

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Stress Management through Mindfulness

Stress is the mind and bodies response to change, challenges, and or demands. Stress can have many different effects on people, and can become a chronic condition leading to both mental and physical health problems if not dealt with. One way to respond to stress is through being mindful. From walking to working, being mindful or aware of what you are doing, and the environments around you can make a huge impact on your stress.

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