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Changes in the SMB Landscape

Small and Medium businesses have been hit hard over the past couple years. From the pandemic, to retaining and recruiting top talent, to most recently dealing with supply chain challenges, inflation, and more. These changes have left businesses to rapidly change their business models to keep up with the ever fluctuating landscape. Harry Brelsford of SMB Nation sits down with Jamison West to chat about the ever shifting landscape in the SMB space, consolidation, merges and acquisitions, and what they see for the future.

Importance of Customer Satisfaction

To say customer satisfaction is important to your business is an understatement. Imagine if you came into work, and found out that half your customers left for your competitor. If that does not make you start to sweat just thinking about revenue, acquisition costs, payroll and more I am not sure what will. Sustaining a customer can be hard work, as each customers needs are unique.