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Wilson: Password Protection via Google Chrome – GREAT THING!

This month contributor Denis Wilson reaches across the yellow line to talk about Google Chrome and a new password checker. “It’s a great thing because we’ve struggled with our customer’s ‘buy-in’ to pay for a password checker.” Wilson shared. Technically – the Chrome add-in is called a password checkup. Wilson is pleased with the efficacy of the add-in and likes the scalability about how it comes with Chrome itself. You don’t have to pay for it. We also discuss how to affect generational change in a culture – the point about “buy-in” above. And we discuss how Google has institutionalized this feature putting the third-party gap fillers at business model risk.

Rowe: Global MSS Workshops

Phelim Rowe directs UK-based CTG Intelligence, an integrated events and education concerns for both channel partners and customers in the security technology space. After we do a “Hello World” we move on to talk about the use of acronyms and labels in our community: MSP, MSSP and MSS. Lean in, listen intently and discover the finer points between these earned and unearned (marketing) titles. And we end with a shout out to Forrester analyst Jay McBain who recently spoke at Rowe’s Miami security workshop.

User Principal Name (UPN)

User Principal Name (UPN)

Week 45:User Principal Name (UPN)  A user account name (sometimes referred to as the user logon name) and a domain name identifying the domain in which the user account is located. This is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is...

IT Nation 2019 Recap and More!

Contributor Michael Fraser shares insights on the recent IT Nation conference where he was a speaker and had a booth on the floor. His talking points included DevSec Opps and “Everything as a Service” at the conference. Notably Fraser shares the interest from the vendor community was very high in these areas. His Refractr solution was demoed on the big stage with a new ConnectWise tool called Chat Genie. Fraser also offers up thoughts on 2020 moving forward.