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Malware AbstractEMU

Cyber criminals are becoming more and more crafty every day, with the most recent tactic being to infect mobile devices. Although mobile malware is not currently as prevalent as malware attacks on traditional workstations the threat is growing. Earlier this year researchers discovered a new malware campaign named AbstractEMU which was geared at targeting mobile users through app stores. This malware was developed to obtain permission to silently modify the device, collect data, without any user interactions.

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The Virus Doctor: Different Families of Malware

Ken Dwight joins Harry Brelsford to discuss the different families of malware. They start off the conversation in 2003 with Crypto locker (the first widespread Ransomware) and go onto explore the last 7 years where thousands of Ransomware or Families of Ransomware have been developed and or transformed. They go on to discuss the 8 major families that are prevalent today. Listen to the Interview HERE to learn more about the different families of Ransomware and how they are ever evolving.

Dwight: I’m Rebranding in 2020!

Esteemed analyst Ken Dwight, known as The Virus Doctor, has evolved his long-time cybersecurity community with a refresh. It starts with his messaging to emphasize the Malware Incident Response workshop. This is updated from his messaging emphasis on virus remediation (in addition to virus stuff).

Summertime and the Security Chat is Flowing Easy!

We caught up with a busy Ken Dwight before he flew up to an aircraft owner’s convention in Oshkosh, WI. Dwight chatted with us about a variety of topics including malware attacks on mobile phones, IoT device penetration. Bottom line: we discuss being early in technology rather than late. Enjoy this summer chat!