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Security in the Silicon Valley

I recent visited a security ISV in the Silicon Valley surfaced a couple observations.
Hiring! Channel Account Managers (CAMs) and Partner Account Managers (PAMs) at security ISVs in in demand and being hired.
Vibe – security ISVs are profitable and flexing their muscle. How do I know? Upper scale lunch establishments are busy – a true sign of good times.

John Krikke and Bob Nitrio interview

Fast forward to 2:02 in this vid to catch security talk. John Krikke claims people won’t pay for security but they need it – so you got to start with simple security and layer on additional security services as the client has an appetite. But don’t be confused – he secret is touch love when it comes to security. Bob Nitrio talk DevOps and Community.

John Hill Interview

John Hill, TechSage Solutions (San Antonio, TX) leads all client engagements with SECURITY! He does this before even starting the managed services conversation. Listen to how Hill does a full security sweep at the start of a client relationship.

Learn more about Hill HERE