Cyber hygiene is the cybersecurity concept of personal hygiene. It refers to the fundamental best practices an organization takes to maintain their health. Just like personal hygiene there are three basic principles a company should use to protect their health, using products and tools that fit your needs, performing these hygienic tasks correctly, and establishing a routine. Harry Brelsford of SMB Nation sits down with Jimmy Hatzell of Quickpass to discuss the importance of cyber hygiene.
Video Transcription
Harry Brelsford
Hey nation nation. We’re back with a friend of the family. Jimmy Hetzel. How’re you doing?
Jimmy Hatzell
I’m doing wonderful, Harry, how are you?
Harry Brelsford
Good, good. Well, that that’s a great virtual background you have I could swear that looks like New York City or something.
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah, believe it or not, it is a real background. This is New York City. I am live from New York.
Harry Brelsford
They literally, Hey, um, so most people know you from Scout. And what a what a heck of a run. Um, so But now you’re over a quick pass. So give us an update? What’s going on?
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah, you know, I worked at scout for almost four years. It was a great run, worked with a lot of really great people. Some people who have been on the show with you before, like Jeff Benedetti, Mike Han, our Aidan Kiko. He great time working with all of them were acquired by barracuda, which was awesome. You know, it was a really good fit with barracuda. I have nothing but good things to say about the folks over there. But now I have moved over to a company called Quick pass. We are relatively newer in the space. So it could I guess you could say we’re a younger company. For for MSPs. And yeah, I came into run marketing for the team. It’s a relatively small team, less than 20 of us, everyone. We’re headquartered in Canada. So I’m the I’m holding it down for my colleagues in Vancouver, over in, you know, the United States in New York City. But it’s been it’s been really great. So far. It’s been it’s been really fun. I’m really happy.
Harry Brelsford
Yeah. And how long have you been in role? We’re sitting here in early February and an ice storm in Texas?
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah, so this is week three for me. So I’m almost Yeah, yeah. You’re very new, very new.
Harry Brelsford
Let’s double click down into the solution that you’re covering or solutions. So so give it to me.
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah. So a big reason why I why I joined the company. You know, I have a cyber background. And I’ve done a lot in cybersecurity, especially with MSPs. And I noticed that there’s this problem of like, those like those basic cyber hygiene, things that are, like, somewhat complicated, not complicated. They’re just like, the thing that everyone has in the back of their mind. Like, I should be doing this, you know, and I’m not. And I know, everyone, if, if you don’t, that’s great. But I know most people Oh, yeah, you have that one or two, you know, things in the back your mind, like keeps you up at night, you think I really should change that. I really should update that. Yeah, and Quick Column,
Harry Brelsford
the upper left hand drawer, there’s that drawer. And there’s one or two pieces of mail, it may be a bill, it may be an inquiry, there’s something I need to respond to it. It’s the upper left hand drawer, right? Like I know, I need Okay, I got to open the upper left hand drawer.
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah. So for MSPs you know, a lot of those things like cyber hygiene related, are around password rotation, and around like Help Desk verification. And so a quick pass the company, you know, builds sets of software, we have two products right now, specifically around password management, Identity and Access cyber hygiene. So making it easy to have good best practices and add that extra layer of security. So right we have a password rotation software that integrates with, you know, your popular PSAs it glue who do documentation tools, and they’ll actually go and you can set it to to rotate the passwords every single day for things like Office 365. Local accounts on computers, I mean, how many times have we are we guilty of setting up a local admin account, and then you know, not never changing the password or even worse, having the same password on every local local admin account at a company. So we we can automatically change all those passwords every single day, with a click of a button automatically update your documentation tools. And that’s one of our products. And then our other products, we actually do help desk verification, which is another big gap in in cyber hygiene in our space, I think, you know, how do we know that the person who’s calling in is the actual person they say they are. So we could pull information from your PSA. And, you know, just verify. So if they have our app, it’ll default to, you know, click a button on the app or, you know, give me the code on the app. Or if we don’t have it, it’ll send you their text message. You can push we can pull for the BSA. And if we don’t have their cell, we can actually send it via email. So we have multiple ways to verify. And we make it really easy. Yeah.
Harry Brelsford
And so what’s the business model here? How? First most importantly, how do I make money as an MSP and then how do you make money?
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah, great, great question. So, a great thing about our product is we are price per tech. So if you are selling our product to your end users, you get to set your own margin and your own price. So with our help desk verification tool, what we’ve seen with our partners, and there’s automatically our automatic password reset as well. So you can, they can, you can sync there. It’s not necessarily syncing, but it’s setting the same password for office 365 and Active Directory, but to the end user, it’s just you know, resetting their own password. So so you can roll out a self service password reset cut down on your own ticket time, and operational costs. And rollout helped us verification, for a very, very low cost, I’m talking less than, you know, like cents per user, when you break it down that much, and you can set your own price on it. So what we’ve seen some of our partners do is just roll it out to everyone, for the first year saying is sending out a notice saying, you know, we care about security, and this is, you know, an ongoing thing. So we’re including this in all manage contracts, managed services, contracts, and then the following year on renewals, you know, you can point back to it and say, you know, we, we, you know, we’re increasing prices by 5%, one of the things that we did, we added this to your package, it was free for a year. So that’s one day. And another is you can, you know, simply charge, you can you can make, by the accounts that I’ve seen more than 100% margin by charging $1 an endpoint, and you can have both of our products so you can cover your costs entirely. And then just roll it out to everyone at a very, you know, low cost. Yeah, so that’s what I’ve seen so far. Okay, final question.
Harry Brelsford
So your new enroll in this is a relatively well, two questions. How old is this company? Sure.
Jimmy Hatzell
We were founded in 2018. By Yeah, by a software developer and an MSP owner. So we have the MSP model, embedded in our core.
Harry Brelsford
Okay, and then finally, once once you kind of learn your way around and get settled a little bit, I’m assuming we’ll see you at some of the popular shows assuming the shows are able to go on
Jimmy Hatzell
Yeah, you know, I actually have signed up for some shows already. We’ll be at it nation. Connect ITV glue x, we’re going to go to the threat locker show next one. So yeah, we’ve got we’re, we’re we’re gonna be making the tour this year. You know, before quick pass was go into one or two big shows a year and now we’re, you know, we’re gonna be hitting at least one or two every month so I’m excited.
Harry Brelsford
All right, stay in touch. Congratulations.
Jimmy Hatzell
Absolutely will do. Thank you for having me on.