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Elevated concerns for cyber security risks worldwide

The Russia-Ukraine war is driving elevated concerns for cyber security risks worldwide. While the current climate is unpredictable, cybersecurity experts are warning organizations to prepare for a potential in increased cyber- attacks by updating software, making sure patches are up to date, use multifactor authentication, and strengthen your passwords. As MSP’s you need to help reduce the impact and shorten duration should an incident occur to one of your customers. Harry Brelsford sits down with Anthony Oren, Nero Consulting Inc. to discuss the current cyber security situation and what you can do to prepare.

Cyber Hygiene

Cyber hygiene is the cybersecurity concept of personal hygiene. It refers to the fundamental best practices an organization takes to maintain their health. Just like personal hygiene there are three basic principles a company should use to protect their health, using products and tools that fit your needs, performing these hygienic tasks correctly, and establishing a routine.

As attacks surge, Cyber Insurance Premiums hit new highs

We are seeing a major shift in cyber insurance as premiums have increased between 30% and 110%. One school district even reported a 334% increase in their cybersecurity policy. As more and more big names are breached or hit with nasty ransomware strains, many are realizing the consequences and financial stresses this can have on their company. Most experts agree its not if your company will get hit its when. As cyber-attacks ramp up threatening data and privacy, cyber insurance companies have had to raise their rates partially due to claim frequency, the severity of claims and the uncertainty of what’s to come.

Expand your Cyber Security Knowledge

Did you know that every Monday Andrew Morgan, Ryan Weeks, Gary Pica, and West Spencer host a cyber call ( to expose MSPs to industry exports through a collaborative production. Each week these experts will share their knowledge on specific domains to help elevate your cyber capabilities, grow your knowledge, and elevate your skills to help you grow your business.
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Wilson: Introducing the LA Cyber Lab

Denis Wilson, long-time contributor and analyst, talks about a City of Los Angeles cybersecurity alert service call LA Cyber Lab. Then we talk about content-based MSP marketing – work it hard and it works! We review an article curated from, you guessed it, the LA Cyber Lab. Specially the topic concerns the “locked screen trick” that dupes a lot of folks out there.